Heading into 2017 with big balls in mind!


Happy New Year!

2016 closed with a bang for the Vickery family last week culminating with my turning 40 in the last week of the year! I’m very excited for what 2017 has in store for us and determined to keep the big balls in my jar a priority: Faith, Family, Fitness, & Fatherhood. Enjoy the episode!

Episode 002: Making Lemonade in the Face of a Hurricane

Our family, along with over a million other people, woke up two days ago expecting a fairly normal day. By days end, we were all making preparations to evacuate our hometown of Charleston, SC, as well as parts of Florida, Georgia, & North Carolina. In this podcast, I’ll recap how we took the lemons and are making lemonade!



Episode 001: Who Am I and…What Do I Want To Do With This?

A brief introduction and forecast into how I would like to use my life and experiences in Faith, Family, Fitness, & Fatherhood to help others in their daily lives.

Well, here goes nothin’!

Thanks for taking the time to listen to this first podcast. Unscripted, no frills, just me…my new microphone….and a bundle of nerves!

This episode give a brief introduction as well as discusses what you can expect in near future episodes.

Thank you for your grace & understanding as I make every attempt to improve each podcast in both quality & content.

Enjoy & please, don’t hesitate to comment!


…It begins!

How to start a blog….

How to start a Podcast…

I suppose, it begins with an intro!

My name is Phillip Vickery. Phil to most…Vick to a few..Phillip to my mom always. I’m a very happily married father of two beautiful daughters. One a young teen & the other on the cusp of tweening. For most of my adult life, I’ve had something to say. Not just something….I’ve had a lot to say! Recently…I decided to do something about it and create http://www.FaithFamilyFitnessandFatherhood.com!

The plan is to use this blog as a space to share who I am, what I stand for, where I come from, and the myriad stories of my journey into Faith, Family, Fitness, & Fatherhood.

Hoping to publish my first podcast soon, begin to share…and hopefully add value to other peoples life!