Episode 002: Making Lemonade in the Face of a Hurricane

Our family, along with over a million other people, woke up two days ago expecting a fairly normal day. By days end, we were all making preparations to evacuate our hometown of Charleston, SC, as well as parts of Florida, Georgia, & North Carolina. In this podcast, I’ll recap how we took the lemons and are making lemonade!



Episode 001: Who Am I and…What Do I Want To Do With This?

A brief introduction and forecast into how I would like to use my life and experiences in Faith, Family, Fitness, & Fatherhood to help others in their daily lives.

Well, here goes nothin’!

Thanks for taking the time to listen to this first podcast. Unscripted, no frills, just me…my new microphone….and a bundle of nerves!

This episode give a brief introduction as well as discusses what you can expect in near future episodes.

Thank you for your grace & understanding as I make every attempt to improve each podcast in both quality & content.

Enjoy & please, don’t hesitate to comment!


…It begins!

How to start a blog….

How to start a Podcast…

I suppose, it begins with an intro!

My name is Phillip Vickery. Phil to most…Vick to a few..Phillip to my mom always. I’m a very happily married father of two beautiful daughters. One a young teen & the other on the cusp of tweening. For most of my adult life, I’ve had something to say. Not just something….I’ve had a lot to say! Recently…I decided to do something about it and create http://www.FaithFamilyFitnessandFatherhood.com!

The plan is to use this blog as a space to share who I am, what I stand for, where I come from, and the myriad stories of my journey into Faith, Family, Fitness, & Fatherhood.

Hoping to publish my first podcast soon, begin to share…and hopefully add value to other peoples life!